I’ll Never View Ikea the Same Way, Again


horrostor bannerI know that the store in the book Horrorstör, by Grady Hendrix is not Ikea, but it’s pretty damn close enough to it, to make me never want to shop there at night! First, I would like to say that I am a scaredy cat. A big fat, yellow-bellied, scaredy cat. I don’t watch scary movies, because I know I am a wuss. I scare easily. I don’t like things that go bump in the night, or zombies, or crazed killers, or psychotic man dolls kidnapping people. I get freaked out and will have nightmares and it will haunt me for days. I know that it’s not real, but somehow I am not desensitized enough to just get over it. I still check the garage doggy door just in case someone is trapped, from when I watched the movie “Scream” and that was 1996. I don’t watch “The Walking Dead”, because I know I can’t handle it. I know my limits and they don’t stretch far from the realm of Disney. Haha. Yet and still, for the Read Harder Challenge I read this for my “indie press release” challenge and it was really good (btw, Quirk Books, the publisher of Horrorstör, have some great books, so please click their name and check them out and support an indie publisher!). I did have weird dreams when I started reading it at night and I had to switch to reading it during the day (Same thing happened when I read Pride and Predjudice and Zombies), but I did enjoy it. I even found this book trailer on the Youtubes! Yeah, BOOK TRAILER! So cool! So, take a peek and then continue on to my review! P.S. There are NO SPOILERS,as I know at least 2 people reading it (per my recommendation/gifting, you guys are welcome) and don’t want to ruin it for them or anyone, for that matter.

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