The Worst (a.k.a. Least Favorite) Books I’ve Never Read


PictureHello again! Before I start on the worst books that I’ve attempted to read, I just want to back track to my last post for a second. So, the picture to the left  is a pin that a co-worker sent me via Pinterest and I thought it was so me and so relevant based on my last post. The funny thing is that he does not read my blog  and thus had no idea of my non fictional emotions for fictional characters. He actually just sent it to me, because he thought I would like it and it seemed, to him, to fit my personality. He had no idea how right he was. So, thank you “JoAl*” (names have been altered as I did not get his permission to use his name in this blog and I cannot afford to pay him anything if, by chance, there’s some way he can sue me).

So, now to the business at hand. While I am fervently reading my many novels, I was talking to my friend “JiZi*” (See aforementioned disclaimer) and I was telling her about a question I got from another reader that asked “Are you only going to review books you love?” “JiZi” and I talked about books we hated or rather did not preferred not to read and we decided that I should do a post on books that I did not have a taste for.  Funny thing about books that I don’t like, I just don’t finish them. Seriously. I am an open-minded person and am willing to give any genre or book a try, but I don’t have to like them. Also, I read enough and know myself well enough to know when finishing a book is just not gonna happen for me. I have a couple of examples, (because I know you love examples). Haha. Continue reading